Jeffery Epstein is in the news for two reasons, one is that he was connected to some very high ranking people and he was allegedly trafficking under-aged people. The other reason is that he allegedly killed himself. I say allegedly because many people believe that, that is not the case. Some potential reasons why this may not be the case is because he was connected to some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, including a former president, Bill Clinton, and the current president, Donald Trump. Epstein was connected to many extremely powerful people, they would have the means and motive to take him out some how. But that is sort of besides the point, I believe conspiracy theories are becoming mainstream now. So let me introduce you all to what is called the conspiracy theory view of history.
In the field of history there are many different theories of history, Great Man theory, Marxist theory, Cyclical theory just to name a few. Each theory has its own merits and negatives, but I believe the most accurate theory of history is the conspiracy theory of history. What I mean by this is that history is a collection of conspiracy theories, some successful, but most ending in failures. Many of the most pivotal moments in history were the result of conspiracies. I know this may sound crazy or unbelievable, but it is true. Let me name just a few pivotal moments that were caused by conspiracies if you have doubts.
The Catiline conspiracy is not the earliest, but is perhaps the most well known earliest documentation of a conspiracy. A very short explanation of the Catiline conspiracy was that Catiline was a prominent Roman politician who lost an important election. He sent a message to Gallic Roman allies, asking them to invade Rome. In the ensuing chaos he wanted to cease power and become dictator of Rome. His plan was discovered, Cato was made dictator and he along with many of his accomplices were put to death. Another example of an early conspiracy was the betrayal and arrest of our Lord Jesus. Judas clandestinely met with Romans accepted money and lead them to where Jesus and the other disciples were. Those examples were from ancient history, but there are many from more modern times.
The founding of the United States was itself a successful conspiracy. The Founding Fathers met in secret, drafted the Deceleration of Independence and began to raise armies. All of which were considered treason by the ruling government. A fourth example is the official story of 9/11, before you start saying that I am crazy for thinking that 9/11 is a conspiracy theory just hear me out. It by definition was a conspiracy theory. A few extremists got together, took flying lessons then they discreetly made plans to hijack a plane. These are just four examples, from three different time periods, but there are many other examples of conspiracy theories being historical fact.
Like I said before, conspiracy theories are historical fact. Next time the official story does not quite add up, look into it yourself with an open mind. In my opinion the fact that so many people are dubious about the Epstein suicide is a good thing. Conspiracies are more numerous then many would have you believe. The more that people are skeptical, the less we will be fooled by deception.