Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Why I am a Christian:

  This post has been a long time coming, and what better time to post it then at the end of the Christmas Season, only days after the birth of the Messiah. Today I will be talking about why I am a Christian and the most persuasive arguments I have heard in favor of Christianity. I have put off writing this for some time because of a few reasons. Chief among the reasons is, that it is kind of embarrassing on my part to admit I am a Christian since I have flip-flopped on my spiritual or religious beliefs multiple times in the past few years. Another among the reasons is I am still working out my specific beliefs in regards to Christianity. But I have researched and read extensively about many of the worlds religions and philosophies, including but not limited to Greco-Roman paganism, Norse paganism, Hindu paganism, Islam, Judaism, Gnosticism and modern Occultism. A few things became clear to me, one God is real, and two Jesus is his Son. 
   One of the realizations that led me to Christ is that evil is real. This may seem counterintuitive at first, but let me explain. Evil is real. Material and spiritual evil exist and effect this world. This is obvious to all. It is why we are disgusted when we hear of a serial pedophile or murderer. We all know that evil exists. The Bible tells us that evil is real and is not of God. Many of the other religions and philosophies do not adequately address evil like Christianity does. 
      Another reason why I believe in God is that without one God there is no objective morality. This is not a new argument. Socrates made a similar argument in the Euthyphro, one of Plato's dialogues. Socrates states that "different gods consider different things to be just, beautiful, ugly, good and bad". If we presuppose that there is no god then what can we derive our morales from? Morality without God would essentially be about minimizing suffering and maximizing pleasure. 
     A purely subjective reason is the art inspired by Christianity and God is some of the most beautiful art ever created. Just listen to Lacrimosa! Or look at some of the many beautiful Renaissance paintings and sculptures.  

The art inspired by God is so beautiful that it makes you wonder if God created marble solely so that Michaelangelo could create The Pietà! The beauty of some art shows that we are made in the Divine image and that we can use our talents to create, which separates us from animals.
     I hope this post creates a compelling case for Christianity. There are other events and reasons that have happened, that have led me to Christianity. But those are more personal and in my opinion far less interesting and persuasive. Also I did not wish to have this post drag on too long. If there is interest then I will revisit this topic. I am excited about my new relationship with Christ/God and look forward to nurturing it in this new year, and beyond! God bless and happy new year! 

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